Holims. Natureculture. Cosmoteandrism. Integration. PreHispanic. Nahuatl.Abstract
The issues concerning the overcoming of the false dichotomy between
the two apparently opposite concepts of “nature” and “culture”
represent the central and most urgent core of both Ecolinguistics’
integrated standpoint and global society’s general discourse. In order to
eclipse this separation, which is the most damaging for the anthropoecosystem among the basic contradictions of our social praxis (Ibid.),
our cognitive, discursive and performative perspective needs a radical
change. This transformation shall involve the use of new terms and
references that holistically illustrate the consubstantial inter-relation
between the “human” and the “natural” being - that is, of all planet’s
being -, such as the “natureculture” neologism. The present analysis
aims at applying the triadic perspective of cosmoteandrism ”“ the
ecosophic integration among the cosmic, the human and the devine in
the eprception of reality, of being and of the planet ”“ to Ecolinguistic
studies, investigating how the union among the anthropological, natural
and teological dimensions is represented in the discourse of the Nahuatl
speaking populations of pre-Hispanic Mexico; and specifically, in the
ethnotoponymy and in the visual representations of the glyphs indicating
the pre-Columbian cities and geographic locations. A new diachronic
philosophically and ecologically integrated construction of narratives and identities, a new “greenspeak” or better a new “ecological speaking”
which shall be applicable, alternative and constructive (following the
four macro-strategies classification of discourse construction, van
Leeuwen y Wodak, 1999), must also start with the search and use of
languages and imageries originating in non-Eurocentric world visions,
and therefore less prejudiced by the harmful dualism that characterizes
the Standard Average European languages), exported and used since the
colonial period.
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