One step at a time. The (re)written in response to feedback on the teaching-learning process of writing
Writing teaching. textual genre. textual-interactive perspective. guiding notes.Abstract
This work aims to present the analysis of guiding notes and their implications in rewriting as a part of the systematization of a writing
proposal that brings the interaction between teacher and student through texts. The work is based on genre as social action and processual writing, in which feedbacks are provided through guiding notes to students. Reading activities, text production, evaluation and rewriting were developed in a writing workshop entitled Ateliê de textos for a group of students in the final years of elementary school from a public school, in Santa Maria, RS. Through this activity, we guided the process of writing in order to allow the participants to reflect on the language used in fairy tales and experience a process guided by writing and rewriting that culminated in the socialization of the final text versions. A fairy tale collection was published and presented to community in a launching ceremony during an event at school.
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