Yesterday’s and today’s remnants: memory and representations and/in discourses in/about the congado from Ipaneminha ”“ Ipatinga/MG
ADC, Memory, Discourse, Congado, Representations, IdentitiesAbstract
The study described here analyzed the collective experiences of a group of congadeiros in the rural community of Ipaneminha, in Ipatinga/MG. The guiding hypothesis indicates that the discursive representations present among local residents are evidences of (re) negotiated identities in the congado and elsewhere. It was proposed to raise questions related to cultural memory as a way of understanding the discourses and ways of representing such aspects of the mentioned village. For the text production, it was chosen the Critical Discourse Analysis, with the Anglo-American unfolding of discursive studies as a theoretical-methodological approach. We opted for a bibliographic review based on the construction of interdisciplinary dialogue between authors and theories that deal with themes related to cultural memory and discourse (s). The case study included the collection and analysis of interviews carried out on part of the population of the community. It was noted that several discourses made up in the interviewees' words, constructing, thus, memory as a set of re-significances, characterizing the representationalmeaning and the relationship between the cultural practice of the Congado and the identities, social practices and values present in the community.