Networks of Border Literatures as Existence and Plurality




transitive americas, literary networks, frontier literature, literary portunhol


The reflection proposed in this article focuses on the issue of literature networks in Portunhol and other languages, in the books Triple frontera dreams (2012) by Brazilian writer Douglas Diegues, Xirú (2010) by Paraguayan Damián Cabrera and Viralata (2015) by Uruguayan Fabián Severo. By considering how some Latin American writers share the experience of the border space, the use of Portunhol and border languages as a literary expression, the publication of their works in the first two decades of the 21st century and their independent editing, in addition to their social media presence, the analysis aims at addressing what mechanisms such authors activate in order to create their narratives as a locus of ennunciation, without configuring a discourse of immanence or transcendence, but seeking ways to articulate the singularity that are characterized by the notion of "community of existence". The border is characterized by a relationship of either liberation or domination, and it is a space practiced and marked by plurality, which manifests itself as social tension of coexistence in Damián Cabrera, as melancholy of an absent meaning converted into words and invented memories in Fabián Severo, or as enjoyment of the present via delirium in Douglas Diegues. It is a community of existence that manifests itself in the expression of these frontier writers, formed by the contact and articulation of their literary networks.


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How to Cite

Jasinski, I. . (2021). Networks of Border Literatures as Existence and Plurality . Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (62), 1–16.