Inhabiting: from phenomenology to space-place


  • Kenia Madoz



Living. Thought. Place.


The article addresses the vast theoretical-conceptual theme of dwelling, necessary for the understanding and development of current critical thinking. The objective of the text is to present a discussion featu­ring authors who deal with the topic. We mainly used some texts by Martin Heidegger, given the importan­ce of his studies, which are endorsed by researchers in different areas of knowledge. The text is divided into three parts: 1) conceptual basis of dwelling in Heidegger, in which the author emphasizes the exis­tential sense of Being, highlighting individualism to the importance of dwelling, and on the other hand, necessary criticisms are made for this positioning and also for your lack; 2) inhabiting (and) space, in which there is an appreciation of the humanist current with an existential sense, but stating that the individual’s experience allows interference in one’s own subjec­tivity and the need to understand different types of knowledge to reach the space in its entirety (Correia da Silva); and 3) living and place, in which the being’s involvement with space, culture, history, social rela­tions and landscape is significant for the composition of geography (Dardel).


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Author Biography

Kenia Madoz

Graduated in Geography from the University of Brasília with a bachelor's degree and licentiate degree (1991). Master in Architecture and Urbanism from PPG - FAU - UnB in Urban Planning and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from PPG -FAU - UnB. Professor and tax auditor at the Brasília Environmental Institute IBRAM DF. She is currently part of the Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics Center at PPG-FAU-UnB.


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How to Cite

Madoz, K. (2024). Inhabiting: from phenomenology to space-place. Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 13(2), 73–86.