Between patrimonialization and segregation




urban planning; cultural heritage; social stigmas; Itaúna; Minas Gerais.


 This paper presents as an object of study the rela­tionship between local historical moments and pas­sages with its architecture, describing how this link influenced urban planning. Through this relationship, it was noticed how material and immaterial heritage were decisive for the creation of areas of special gui­delines, exemplified by the case study in the Brazilian city of Itaúna, in which a historical moment identified as a trigger for modification of the use and occupa­tion of urban space and, which can promote both the valuation and the depreciation of real estate in the regions where they are triggered. The research evi­denced the historical patrimony as part of the cultu­ral production of the man, with reflection in the architecture and in the urbanism. The objective was to understand how the patrimonial, cultural, symbolic and geographic dimensions affected aspects of ur­ban development and configuration, and to unders­tand the process of constitution of space elements that collaborate in the understanding of human ac­tion on the territory.


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Author Biography

Talita Alves Moraes Rabelo

Urbanist Architect. Master in Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism (CAPES funding). Specialization in Environmental Analysis and Sustainable Development (2020) - research in natural and mixed heritage. MBA in Art History (2019) - research into cultural heritage in the formation of spaces. Training in cultural and intangible heritage by IEPHA (State Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage of Minas Gerais). Public Management Technologist 2015 (FGV.) Researcher in the area of Concentration: City and Housing and line of research: Theory, History and Housing Project. Researcher in several research groups (registered in the CNPQ directory) and linked to the Centro Universitário de Brasília: City and Housing, New Perspectives Public Law and Urban Policy, Situ-ACTIONS - contemporary spatiality in question, and Brasília: architecture, housing and space urban. Consultant in cultural public policy and protection of cultural and natural heritage. Currently at the Secretariat of Urban Development and Housing of the Federal District (SEDUH / GDF), where she works on urban policies, mainly focused on land regularization.


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How to Cite

Alves Moraes Rabelo, T. (2024). Between patrimonialization and segregation . Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 13(2), 114–125.