THE HYGIEIA MYTH AND DIETARY MEDICINE: worship of health and hygienic rites
Hygieia, Asclepius, Dietetics, Plague, FoodAbstract
This article examines the relationship between the incorporation of Hygieia to the family of Asclepius and the emergence of dietary medicine. Hygieia does not have its own myth, we know little about it, and almost nothing has been written on her. However, the late antiquity has left the reputation of one of the most powerful deities. It was she who mysteriously suggested the choice of foods and the appropriate remedies for the ills. Her deification and that of her father Asclepius are related to the plague of Athens that took place during the Peloponnesian War. But the success of this goddess reached more than classical Greece, becoming revered by the Romans. This shows that there was more than a concern with the return of the plague: it was the emergence of a society that cared about, health is the greater good.
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