
  • Glauber das Neves Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus de Planaltina. Curso de Gestão Ambiental
  • João Paulo Sena-Souza Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus Darcy Ribeiro. Departamento de Geografi a (GEA), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia
  • Pryscila Nunes de Otanásio Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus de Planaltina. Curso de Gestão Ambiental
  • Silas Semprini de Toledo Contaifer Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus de Planaltina. Curso de Gestão Ambiental
  • Tamiris de Assis Marques Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus Darcy Ribeiro Instituto de Geociências (IGD), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas
  • Renato Ferreira Sousa Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus de Planaltina. Curso de Gestão Ambiental
  • Antônio Felipe Couto Junior Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Campus de Planaltina Área Universitária



conservation unity, Cerrado, remote sensing, zoning


This work aimed to evaluate the vegetation cover of the Sucupira Recreative Park (SRP), Planaltina (FD) and its Direst Infl uence Zone (DIZ) between 1996 and 2013, using multisensory and multitemporal approach. The SRP has 124.44 hectares in the Administrative Region VI – Planaltina. The park boundary was obtained from Brasília Environmental Institute (Ibram, in Portuguese) and the respective DIZ was generated buffering 500 meters from that boundary. The fi rst stage was the generation of the land cover map from the 2013 aero photography mosaic, obtained from the Federal District Planning Company (Codeplan, in Portuguese), and followed by the screen digital vectoring. Is was used another aero photography mosaic from 2009. There were used Landsat 5-TM images from 1996, 1999, 2003 and 2007, registered by the aero photography mosaic. The thematic map construction was based on a hybrid classifi cation divided in 3 categorical levels adapted from different sources due to the Cerrado specifi cations. The results evidenced about 50 % planted vegetation cover in the SRP core region by 2013, with 35.33 % of pasture, corresponding 17.58 % in 17 years, what indicated 1.03 ha/year. The DIZ had 337.16 hectares of which about 42 % was covered by building in 2013. In the DIZ allotment and pasture showed the higher variations through the study period with 17.36 % and 6.03 % increasing respectively. In both areas (PRS and DIZ) there were evidenced reductions in the disturbed areas, which does not mean conservation spreading, but the anthropic occupation. It was fi nd out that this human occupation starts with the withdrawal of trees, followed by the remain vegetation suppression and the allotment demarcation. This approach allowed the anthropic occupation dynamics comprehension in the Federal District that could be used as reference for the Cerrado, as territorial ordering subsidy for agro pastures activities and urban areas.


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How to Cite

das Neves, G. ., Sena-Souza, . J. P. ., Nunes de Otanásio, . P. ., Semprini de Toledo Contaifer, S. ., de Assis Marques, . T. ., Ferreira Sousa, R. ., & Couto Junior, A. F. . (2022). VEGETATION COVER STUDY OF SUCUPIRA RECREATIVE PARK, PLANALTINA (DF). Space and Geography Journal, 17(1), 183–205.


