palm tree (babaçu), remote sensing, Digital Elevation ModelAbstract
Biotic and abiotic data have been integrated in order to identify areas of occurrence of the palm tree (babaçu). It was observed preferential occurrence of individuals in areas of agricultural use. This work aims at identifying the potential areas of babaçu occurrence by using remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques in the Cocal River basin. The methodology for babaçu potential areas mapping present the following steps: (a) elaboration of a vegetation map from ASTER image digital processing; (b) elaboration of a geomorphologic map from a DMT analysis of derived maps; and, (c) integration of both vegetation and geomorphologic maps in order to determine the potential areas of babaçu occurrence. This methodology optimizes time for preliminary selection and identification of babaçu potential areas. It is observed that 31,36% from the basin’s total area are potential areas. The results allow us to say that the most influential factor to babaçu density is the type of management applied by the agriculturist. Depending on the type of management babaçu diversity and concentration is increased or eliminated from the basin.
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