About the Journal

The Revista Espaço e Geografia is a biannual electronic journal, open access, with blind peer review, published since 2002 by the Graduate Program in Geography, Department of Geography, University of Brasília (UnB). It aims to offer the interested community themes related to geographic space in its multiple dimensions, favoring an interdisciplinary approach. The Journal resumes and updates efforts to build a forum for the dissemination and debate of the work of professors, researchers and students who have a geographic perspective of analysis. Space and Geography thus seeks to contribute to and disseminate the debate produced in different areas of Geographical Science, considering Geography as a Science that seeks to interpret and analyze spatial arrangements in their different scales and locations, whether these arrangements are of physical-environmental or socio-spatial origin. or themes strongly intertwined between these two categories, such as Landscape Studies, Environmental Geography, Political Ecology, Territory Planning and Management, and many others.

Current Issue

Vol. 28 (2025)
Published: 2025-02-21


Nota Técnica

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