Sobre o papel da linguagem nos sistemas ecológicos antropogênicos


  • Wilhelm Trampe Universidade de Osnabrück


Natural ecosystem, language-world system, linguistic ecosystem.


As a follow-up of some seminal ideas of Peter Finke, this article defends the use of the concept of ecosystem in language studies, in a kind of “ecosystemic linguistics”. According to this perspective, there are processes of information and communication not only in social ecosystems, but also in biological ecosystems. This optic implies a holistic view of the object of study, since everything is mutually inter-related. The text characterizes the ecosystem, inserting language in a language-world system. The main features of the ecosystem are openness, reciprocity, complexity, hierarchy, dynamicity, stability, productivity and diversity. However, language is an anthropogenic system, what does not impede its inclusion in an ecosystem, namely, the linguistic ecosystem, the basic unity of language studies. The organization goes from the physical sound, passing by the phoneme, the morpheme up to the language sphere. Ecosystemic linguistics is a new way of doing linguistics, made possible with the advent of ecology. A side-effect of this perspective is an awareness of the fact that we are product of and affected by nature, but we can also intervene in it. 


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Author Biography

Wilhelm Trampe, Universidade de Osnabrück

Estudou ciências econômicas, germanística e pedagogia. Sua tese de doutorado, orientada por Peter Finke em Bielefeld (defendida em 1988), foi publicada em 1990 como Ökologische Linguistik: Grundlagen einer ökologischen Wissenschafts- und Sprachtheorie [Linguística ecológica: Fundamentos de uma teoria ecológica da ciência e da linguagem], sendo um dos primeiros individuais dedicados à teoria ecolinguística. Tem contribuído em quase todas as coletâneas ecolinguísticas. Suas áreas de interesse abrangem ecologia da informação, da comunicação e da  linguagem (ecolinguística) e semiótica ecológica. É professor de linguística na universidade de Osnabrück.


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How to Cite

Trampe, W. (2016). Sobre o papel da linguagem nos sistemas ecológicos antropogênicos. Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 2(1), 39–56. Retrieved from


