Rhetoric of dance and the performance of orator in On dancing by Lucian de Samosate


  • Pedro Ipiranga Júnior Universidade Federal do Paraná




Pantomime, On dancing, Lucian of Samosate, Plutarch, Rhetoric


This paper has a dual purpose: first, to assemble a table of correspondences between the activity of the pantomime dancer and the orator based on the work On dancing by Lucian de Samosate and no the excursus IX.15 of the work Symposiaká/Quaestiones Convivales by Plutarco; secondly, to verify and analyze the use and transfiguration of pantomime in Lucian’s On dancing. From this framework, the conceptions of mimesis and emulation underlying the works in their relations with the dance-acting of the pantomime will be reviewed and resumed, with particular attention to the terminology concerning dance, such as the so-called ‘skhémata’, which we have translated as ‘figurations’ and which refer to the choreographic poses adopted during the dance or simply to the appearance of the pantomime in its performance. Furthermore, the qualification of pantomime, from various sources, as a visual or silent language is emphasized, which entails a structuring perspective on it, focused as a carrier of a code of signals (movements, gestures and ‘figurations’), but, at the same time, as a faculty of interpretation and expression of feelings and emotions.


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How to Cite

Ipiranga Júnior, P. (2022). Rhetoric of dance and the performance of orator in On dancing by Lucian de Samosate. Dramaturgies, (19), 38–62. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias19.44686