Cyberculture and cyberconsumption of design
Cyberspace. Cyberculture. cyberconsumption. information design.Abstract
This literature review sets forth author's positions regarding the convergence of concepts about social, cultural and intellectual behavior, which show a close connection with technological development and its use, as well as the manipulation of information and how it is created, processed and spread among groups, facing a constant consumption revolution between virtual and real universes. Information through design is one of the new consumer desires of the present century, when it is well structured, beyond being understood, can transform data into knowledge to influence actions. The objective of the survey is to reflect on the basis of data and theoretical positions the dialogue that exists between cyberculture and cyberconsumption due to the design of new digital platforms that act as a tool for socio-cultural transformation through the network in cyberspace, finally to know the trajectory, Participation, and responsibility for production and consumption in the virtual universe.
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