Archaeology in environmental licensing:

an ethnography of scientists and their bureaucracies


  • Marcus Antonio Schifino Wittmann NIT/UFRGS



Ethnography of archaeological practice, environmental licensing, anthropology of science


This paper have the objective of mapping the sociotechnical networks that compose and are composed through the processes of environmental licensing, on what regards the archaeological practices and the bureaucratic procedures related to them. Following scientists and their practices, bureaucrats and their documents, one can see how the constitution of the archaeological heritage is a phenomenon entangled by political disputes as much as by scientific theories and methods. This research is the result of a master's thesis, during which twenty-one archaeologists of different generations and with different experiences and positions were interviewed, as well as the analysis of sixty archaeological processes in environmental licensing for different enterprises in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Wittmann, Marcus Antonio Schifino. 2019. “Archaeology in Environmental licensing:: An Ethnography of Scientists and Their Bureaucracies”. Anuário Antropológico 44 (1).