The performance nights at the Festival Junino Jeca Tatu of Parauapebas
June festival dance groups of Parauapebas, Liajuper, June festivalAbstract
The reflections in this work show the June festival dance groups of Parauapebas city, southeast of the state of Pará, aiming to: (i) to present the context of origin of the June festival; (ii) to reflect on how changes in dance occurred over time; (iii) to correlate the way of dancing of traditional June square dances with the similarity of the original Xikrins do Cateté people; (iv) to describe the corporeality, visual and sound elements of the performance scene presented by the Parauapebas square dances, demonstrated at the Junino Jeca Tatu Festival, organized by the Liga das Associations Juninas of Parauapebas city and Region (LIAJUPER) in the June festival. We used some theorists on the subject as a methodology and approach, but without exhaustion, as the intention is to make the organization of the festival visible in the municipality. Thus, it is understood that the aesthetics and poetics of the june dance groups are seen in the urgency of broad cultural policies in the city.
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