Voice as performance
a phenomenological experience of the poetic act of counting and doular
Performance, Phenomenology, Voice, Count, DoularAbstract
This article aims to contribute to the studies and reflections on the voice as performance, as a fundamental element in the understanding of the awareness that exists in the performance of the voice, in the action of counting and of doular. It starts from the assumption that the art of storytelling and doulage are ritualistic processes. Its research problem is the question: how does the voice reveal itself, as a performance, in the art of storytelling and in my craft as a doula? Among the theoretical foundations that support the discussion, I use Paul Zumthor for the conceptual field between voice and performance, intertwining this field with bachelard's redondo phenomenology. Across the street, I am guided by the conception of the Sacred Feminine- Clarissa Pinkola Estes and in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, It is a work that is constituted in autobiographical narrative, reflective and poetic.
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