Vaga Carne
Voice and Dramaturgy of a “Scenery Body”
Body, Voice, Acting, Vaga Carne, Movie theaterAbstract
This work brings a look at acting, specifically at the vocal and body dramaturgy woven by actress Grace Passô to compose the character Voice in the movie Vaga Carne. Vocal work is understood from the appreciation of listening, taking into account Chion's propositions, which he classifies as “causal listening”, “semantic listening” and “reduced listening”. The dramaturgical proposition of “scenery body” is discussed. Some important discussions present in the dramaturgical text are highlighted, such as gender and social construction of the body. The methodology is based on the intention of an exercise of reflection and in-depth enjoyment of an artistic spectacle based on appraisals of the film Vaga Carne on Vimeo by Embaúba Produções, on the YouTube Channel FilmesCultBr and on the I Encuentro Virtual Mujeres Afro en Escena 2020, held at from a descriptive and explanatory research in a case study with a qualitative approach. The main results achieved point to the perception of Vaga Carne as a work of Contemporary Theater built on a hybrid terrain where the languages of cinema and theater meet, fertile in discourses and discussions of relevant importance today, as well as in their processes of composition and acting.
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