About the Journal
- Presentation;
- Journal focus and scope;
- Frequency | Qualis | Area | ISSN | DOI;
- Fees (Open Access Policy);
- Authorial ideological responsibility;
- Reading audience for which the journal is intended;
- Types of papers accepted for publication;
- Archiving Policies;
- Peer Review Policy and Flow;
- Code of ethics and good practices for publishing;
- Conflict of interests;
- Criteria adopted for the selection / evaluation of submitted manuscripts;
Voz e Cena (Voice and Scene) is a scientific journal in electronic format instituted in 2020, due to the desires of researchers and voice teachers of the Performing Arts courses at Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Universidade Federal Grande Dourados (UFGD), Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (UNESP), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Escola de Arte Dramática (EAD/ECA/USP), Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ). Linked to the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the Universidade de Brasilia, the journal Voz e Cena publishes, exclusively, unpublished texts resulting from research, studies, debates, artistic and scientific practices in the area of Performing Arts and associated fields - related to sounds and visualities in aesthetic and pedagogical processes. Voz e Cena is published regularly every six months and receives manuscripts in continuous flow.
Journal focus and scope
The main purpose of the Journal Voz e Cena is the dissemination of artistic and scientific research in the field of Performing Arts with a focus on the relationship between sounds and visualities of the scene. The editorial line of the journal includes themes, methodologies and pedagogical-aesthetic practices, with an emphasis both on experiments and approaches that involve relations between the voice and the scene, as well as on artistic processes crossed by vocal practices. For this, we understand the voice in an expanded perspective that involves its production and its individual and collective reception in cultural, political and philosophical spheres, as well as its bodily and sonorous dimensions, its relations with the technologies and other sounds of the scene. The main objectives of Voz e Cena are:
I. Encourage research in the areas;
II. Contribute to the dissemination and socialization of knowledge;
III. Disseminate original and unpublished research in the area produced at regional, national and international levels;
IV. Enable the exchange of information and experiences with other national and international higher education and research institutions;
V. Address conceptual, methodological, pedagogical, cultural and aesthetic issues in the area;
Every 6 months
Qualis 2017-2020
Large area of knowledge
Linguistics, Letters and Arts
Performing Arts
Each text published in Voz e Cena will receive its respective DOI number.
Fees (Open Access Policy)
Voz e Cena offers open, free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.
The journal does not charge any fees for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download of submitted texts, nor for access to published texts, which are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY), providing public access to all its content and following the principle of encouraging free research, promoting the global exchange of knowledge. The works published by the journal are free to access and use, intended for educational and non-commercial applications. Copyright is transferred to the magazine.
Authorial ideological responsibility
The texts whose authors are identified represent the expression of the point of view of their respective authors and not the official position of Revista Voz e Cena or the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes da UnB.
Reading audience for which the journal is intended
Teachers, students and researchers in the Performing Arts and related areas who are interested in the relationship between sounds and visualities of the scene.
Types of papers accepted for publication
Articles, Translations, Interviews, Reviews, Reports and Audiovisual Records.
Archiving Policies
Voz e Cena is hosted on the UnB Periodicals Portal, which guarantees the preservation of its digital content through the Open Journal System, based on the PKP system. Data recovery is guaranteed through periodic backups carried out by UnB.
Peer Review Policy and Flow
(who will do the assessment and how it will be done - procedure)
- Voz e Cena guarantees the quality of its texts through evaluations carried out strictly by blind peers;
- This journal adopts the double blind peer review system. Reviewers are unaware of the authors’ names or affiliations and reviewers’ evaluations are forwarded to the authors without their identification;
- The texts submitted by Voz e Cena system will initially be evaluated for their conformity with regard to the guidelines for authors, the focus and scope of the journal. After passing the initial assessment, it is passed to double-blind peers;
- The blind review will be carried out by at least two scholars in the field. The reviewers are listed on the journal’s Editorial Board. Ad hoc evaluators will be invited if necessary;
- The editors, after evaluations carried out by at least two specialists in the area, will check the opinions in relation to the contribution in question and then decide on the publication of the article;
Code of ethics and good practices for publishing
Every editorial decision is based on originality, contribution, relevance, thematic validity, general structure and compliance with editorial policies to meet the scope of the magazine.
The evaluation is based on the merit of the work, not influenced, positively or negatively, by personal, financial or prejudice reasons.
Submissions and review details are kept confidential.
The reviewer must ensure and inform the editors of any potential conflict of interest before accepting the review or during the process.
When encountering any irregularity in relation to the article evaluated, the evaluator must notify the editor.
Opinions must justify the evaluator’s decision and contribute, whenever possible, to improving the work evaluated.
The indication of authorship in a scientific paper is only due to those who:
a) contribute intellectually, directly and substantially to the design of the research/article (acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data presented);
b) participate in the construction of preliminary versions or critical review of the paper’s content;
c) are responsible for authorship in order to guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the paper.
The author(s) must declare the existence of a conflict of interest when applicable.
Expression of concern
Voz e Cena does not accept papers already presented in full at scientific events.
For papers originating from dissertations or theses, the author must inform this condition/situation at the time of submission in the notes to editor field and, if the text is approved, this information must be included in a footnote.
Conflict of interests
The conflict of interest may be academic, personal, political, commercial, financial or of another nature. Conflict of interest is a process or situation in which authors, reviewers or editors have interests, visible or not, that may influence the production of data, writing or evaluation/revision of the manuscript. The peer review process, the activity of editors and the credibility of the information present in manuscripts are associated with conflict of interest management.
The authors of the manuscript must inform whether or not there is a conflict of interest through a declaration. In manuscripts where there is a conflict of interest, this information must be included in a footnote at the beginning of the text. Evaluators must inform the editorial team of Voz e Cena about the presence of a conflict of interest and declare themselves unqualified to evaluate the manuscript. Editors, in turn, must inform the Editorial Board of Voz e Cena if there is a conflict of interest regarding the manuscript, so that the evaluation process is monitored by the panel in a transparent manner.
Criteria adopted for the selection / evaluation of submitted manuscripts
I. Conformity of the text to the rules established by the journal
II. Relevance of the article to the journal
III. Originality
IV. Topicality and relevance of the topic
V. Clarity and adequacy of the title to the proposed article
VI. Succinct, clear and understandable abstracts and their relation to the article
VII. Keyword coherence
VIII. Clarity of objectives
IX. Structure and organization of the article
X. Methodological consistency
XI. Theoretical foundation
XII. Relevance and timeliness of bibliographic references
XIII. Reflections by the author
XIV. Coherence and pertinence of the argument
XV. Final considerations are consistent with the proposed objectives
XVI. Language and quality of writing
XVII. Verification and adequacy of the article to the section of the journal to which it was submitted
Articles may receive one of the following ratings
I. Accept - Accept the submission, as it is an important contribution to the journal. It needs minor revisions at most;
II. Mandatory corrections - Accept the submission, as it is an important contribution to the journal, as long as the mandatory corrections suggested by the reviewers are carried out. If corrections are made, there is no need for a new round of assessment;
III. Resubmit for new assessment - Reject the submission as the text requires an extensive and thorough review. Authors must rewrite the text and resubmit it for a new round of assessment;
IV. Submit to another journal - Reject the submission and suggest another journal that is better suited to the scope of the text;
V. Reject - Reject the submission. The text is not ready for publication;