Remembering Jango today: a sociological analysis of the memories about João Goulart




João Goulart, Military Dictatorship, Lefts, Memory, Interviews


The objective of this paper is to analyze the memories held by the 1960s’ Lefts of former President João Goulart, following a sociological perspective. To this end, I analyze several Oral History interviews carried out in recent years with left-wing activists from the period in question, including members of the Brazilian Communist Party and members of the armed left. Based on this research, it can be concluded that, over the last few decades, these memories have undergone significant changes, with Goulart being initially considered by the Lefts to be an overly conciliatory president and today being seen as a democratic and well-intentioned leader.


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Author Biography

Barbara Goulart, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ)

Pesquisadora de pós-doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ). É doutora pela mesma instituição, com período sanduíche na École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, França


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How to Cite

Goulart, B. (2022). Remembering Jango today: a sociological analysis of the memories about João Goulart. Sociedade E Estado, 37(02), 651–672.




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