China: ¿La via capitalista al socialismo?


  • Sergio de la Peña Universidad Nacional de México - UNAM


Socialismo, socialismo de mercado, capitalismo, China


The article analizes the main results of the social reforms in Chine in the two last decades. It emphasizes the end of the European and Soviet Socialisms and the approximation of the United States; the priority of the reforms in the rural areas and State estimulations to the investiments growth. It concludes indicating the views to a “Market Socialism ” and the limits of the capitalist way. A new Socialism or a wild capitalism could be a unique experience and, certainly, will affect the world.


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Author Biography

Sergio de la Peña, Universidad Nacional de México - UNAM

Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales y Facultad de Economia, Universidad Nacional de México - UNAM.

(in memorian)


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How to Cite

de la Peña, S. . (2022). China: ¿La via capitalista al socialismo?. Sociedade E Estado, 13(02), 41–58. Retrieved from