A cultura de museu e a ameaça à identidade nacional na era do GATT


  • Vera L. Zolberg Boekmanstichting, Amsterdam


identidade nacional, museus, GATT, comércio, arte.


The article reveals the connections among such apparently disparate expressions as “museum culture”, “national identity” and the GATT, by showing and analysing international art market mecanisms. The main focus is on the differences between Europe and the United States as regards legislation and policies to protect endogeneous art works recognized as forms of representation and preservation of national identity. The author argues that trade agreements such as the GATT will have to face this debate, rather sooner than later.


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Author Biography

Vera L. Zolberg, Boekmanstichting, Amsterdam

Pesquisadora e professora do Boekmanstichting, Amsterdam e da New School for Social Research em Nova Iorque.


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How to Cite

Zolberg, V. L. . (2022). A cultura de museu e a ameaça à identidade nacional na era do GATT. Sociedade E Estado, 13(02), 123–139. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/sociedade/article/view/44260

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