From chose time to the ends of sleep: Labor time and basic income in Late Capitalism




Late Capitalism, Labor Time, Basic Income


Drawing on researches that diagnosis the experience of time in Late Capitalism the article focus on the themes of labor time and basic income, connecting them to the social and economic crises we live nowadays. Based on the analysis of these two related themes, I deal with the debate of these subjects from the 1970’s to the present moment. I argue here that the neoliberal option for a market fundamentalism lead to an increase in poverty and social inequality, situation aggravated by the actual Covid19 Pandemic. In order to fight poverty and extreme social inequality, I conclude by proposing the adoption of a universal basic income, not only as an emergency measure during the Pandemic, but as a permanent strategy to protect the social tissue from the destructive effects of an uncontrolled widespread market logic on peoples’ life.


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Author Biography

Josué Pereira da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Professor de Sociologia no Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).


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How to Cite

Silva, J. P. da. (2020). From chose time to the ends of sleep: Labor time and basic income in Late Capitalism. Sociedade E Estado, 35(03), 723–740.

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