The digitalization of the symbolic and the cultural-digital capitalism: the expansion of cultural-digital services in Brazil




digital-cultural capitalism, digitalization of the symbolic, cultural-digital markets, cultural-digital services, mobile digital media


The cultural-digital capitalism has as its core the process of digitalization of the symbolic. This process harbors four interdependent phenomena: 1) consolidation of streaming technology; 2) the global expansion of the use of mobile digital devices, especially smartphones; 3) digital convergence; 4) the advent and profusion of web 2.0, the Internet stage in which most of the content is created, distributed, shared and consumed by the users themselves. The interfaces between these four phenomena have allowed the world's largest digital technology corporations (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft) to become major art, culture and entertainment corporations, building new business models - cultural services, especially the provision of subscription services via streaming. Considering the cross-reference of different quantitative data about these phenomena, this paper intends to understand the expansion of cultural-digital services in Brazil in the last ten years.


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Author Biography

Elder Patrick Maia Alves, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Professor associado I. Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS/ICS/UFAL). Últimas publicações: “A expansão do mercado de conteúdos audiovisuais brasileiros: a centralidade dos agentes estatais de mercado - o FSA, a ANCINE e o BNDES”. Caderno CRH (UFBA. Impresso), v. 30, p. 477-494, 2016. “Mercados culturais no Brasil: o BNDES e o financiamento das empresas culturais brasileiras”. Revista Ciências Sociais Unisinos, v. 53, p. 24-35, 2017.


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How to Cite

Alves, E. P. M. (2019). The digitalization of the symbolic and the cultural-digital capitalism: the expansion of cultural-digital services in Brazil. Sociedade E Estado, 34(01), 129–157.