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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores, on the page About the Journal
  • Articles should be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 spacing.
  • The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review .
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB)
  • The articles received go through an initial desk review, carried out by the Editorial Board, in accordance with the journal's editorial standards and scope.
  • Sociedade e Estado publishes documents authored by Ph.D. holders or Ph.D. candidates. Non-doctors may co-author articles with doctorate holders. Exceptional cases will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Author Guidelines

Types of Documents Accepted

Sociedade e Estado publishes original papers in Sociology and related domains with theoretical, methodological and/or empirical contributions to the field. Sociedade e Estado accepts submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and other languages subject to the editorial team decision. The following types of paper can be published as articles, in special sections or in thematic issues (these are subject to specific conditions detailed below).

Original articles: It is understood as a work that present results from empirical and/or theoretical research capable of communicating original investigation. The article may also describe research data in the text made available in a data repository. We do not publish articles that solely consist of literature reviews.

Essay: It is understood as a thorough analysis, with greater freedom on the part of the author to defend a particular position, aimed at deepening the discussion or presenting a new contribution/approach regarding a relevant topic. It is not understood that an essay should be limited to a literature review, although this may be part of the text.

Critical review: Its object or focus is another article or articles published in the SeE journal, that is, a text that comments on another article(s). These texts are requested by the editors of SeE or by the organizers of Dossiers. However, author(s) may suggest the publication of a Critical review, consulting the editorial board beforehand. The editorial board may also suggest that, in the case of open evaluations, one or more reviews of a submitted article be published in the form of a Critical review.

Interview: S&E publishes interviews. When submitted, the editorial team will analyze the relevance and interest of the interview for the journal, and may reject or accept it. Interviews should include a brief introduction with a concise theoretical discussion and bibliographic references.

Speech: A speech is a document of a talk or an oral presentation by an author of great relevance in the scientific field or on an unpublished topic. The editorial team will analyze the relevance and interest of such a speech for the journal and may reject or accept it.

Book Reviews: The publication of book reviews is temporarily suspended. In exceptional cases, and after prior consultation with the Editorial Board, S&E may accept critical book reviews.

Translation: S&E accepts the publication of Portuguese translations of original articles written in another language.

Thematic issues: The journal accepts publishing thematic issues. These must be approved and agreed upon in advance by the editorial team. Please refer to the rules below for more information.

Thematic Issues


  1. Sociedade e Estado publishes regular issues alternating them with thematic


  1. Thematic issues must be composed of five to seven articles, following the guidelines to


  1. Thematic issue proposals can be submitted at any moment to the Editorial team, which will analyze its relevance to the


  1. Thematic Issues may contain Original Articles, Essays, Critical reviews, Interviews, and The organizers may invite other authors to provide Critical reviews on one or more articles in the thematic issue.


  1. Each thematic issue proposal must be accompanied by a theoretical discussion of its theme, the CV’s of the proponents, an abstract of each of its composing article as well as a short biography of each author. The organizers, registered as guest editors, must be Ph.D.’s holders and have made a significant contribution to the Social Sciences, especially to


  1. Among the set of articles, at least two of them must be in English or one in English and one in Spanish. Additionally, they must have two authors affiliated with foreign The thematic issue coordinator(s) may only sign one article, preferably as co- authors. The presentation of the issue will be their responsibility and should be brief (8 to 10 pages including references), focusing on the importance of the dossier and its constituent articles. This presentation is not included in the number of articles in the thematic issue.


  1. In case the proposal is accepted, the deadline for submitting the full articles will be determined by Sociedade e Estado. Each manuscript must be submitted according to the instructions provided earlier, following the same procedures as continuous flow. At the time of submission, the author(s) must specify that the manuscript is part of a thematic


  1. The organizers of the thematic issues automatically become Special Editors during the processing and evaluation of them. Possible reviewers for the articles may be suggested to the Editorial Team by the organizers, with a commitment to maintain confidentiality regarding the authorship of the


  1. Specialized proofreeading of articles in English or other foreign languages may be requested from the individual(s) responsible for the thematic


Rules for translated articles 

Sociedade e Estado is open to receive translated articles already published elsewhere, which must be accompanied by an argumentative reasoning on its relevance, credentials of the author(s) and the original publication, presentation of the proponent(s) and the translator(s). The translation implies the proponent's responsibility of revising the Portuguese version, obtaining the publication rights as well as preparing the translation accordingly to our journal's formatting. If approved by the Editorial Team, the translation will be published online solely on the UnB platform, the Open Journal System (OJS/PKP).



Authors' Contribution

The journal adopts the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) specification system, which is maintained by NISO. Thus, S&E defines 10 different roles or functions of authorship, described as follows. When submitting the article, the author(s)/author(s) must specify the function/role of each author in the production of the text. These will be published alongside the document if it is approved.

Conceptualization: ideas, formulation or evolution of overarching research objectives and goals.

Data curation: management activities regarding metadata production, cleaning and maintenance of research data (including software code) for initial use and reuse.

Formal analysis: application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize the study data.

Research: carrying out a research process, specifically carrying out experiments and collecting data/evidence.

Methodology: development or design of methodology and/or creation of models.

Project administration: management and coordination responsibility for the planning and execution of research activities.

Supervision: supervisory and leadership responsibility for the planning and execution of the research activity, including external guidance to the core team.

Validation: verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the general replicability of results and experiments and other research results.

Writing the original draft: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specific writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation).

Writing: reviewing and editing: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by people from the original research group, critical review, commentary or revision, including the steps d


Manuscript Preparation


  1. For online submission, you must complete the following two steps.


  • Complete the presentation and identification form available at the link . In this document, the following data will be provided: the title of the article covering up to 100 characters with space, summary and biographical data of each author (academic title, position held at the time of submission of the article and most recent relevant publications, registration in the Lattes platform and Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), city, state, country, gender, color/race, date of birth, email and contribution to the article) and brief justification of the article's thematic relevance to the editorial line of magazine. Information that reveals the authorship of the text and acknowledgments can also be included here. The list of different forms of contributions to the article can be found in item V.


  • The second file is the main document, which is the manuscript version that will be read by the ad hoc For submissions in the double-blind peer review system, the article must be submitted without any references or information that could identify the authors, containing only the title, the text, and the bibliographic references. For submissions of manuscripts previously made available on preprint servers, it is not necessary to anonymize the text.


Article Submission Format


  1. The submitted texts must be original and exclusive during the evaluation process at SeE. The manuscript should be presented in its final version, with spelling and grammatical correction in the corresponding language and without any marks. Original Articles and Essays should have between 40,000 and 60,000 characters (including spaces), including bibliography, tables, and diagrams. Critical Reviews and Interviews should have between 30,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces), including bibliography, tables, and diagrams. Speeches should contain between 10,000 and 45,000 characters (including spaces), including bibliography, tables, and diagrams. Reviews, when approved by the editors, must be between 10 and 15 thousand characters long. Texts that exceed these limits will be returned to the authors for adjustment. The same author(s) cannot submit more than one article, even in co- authorship, simultaneously to SeE.


  1. articles must be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 5 line spacing.


  1. Articles should be accompanied by an abstract in Portuguese of up to 150 words, with a translation in English, summarizing the objective(s), methods, and main conclusions. They should also include five keywords in Portuguese and English, separated by semicolons, as well as the title in Articles in other languages should include these same elements in Portuguese, English, and the chosen language.


  1. Footnotes must be of substantial nature (i. , not bibliographic), and be reduced to the necessary minimum, being no longer than eight lines. References to authors within the text should follow the format (author, date, page).


  1. All papers approved for final publication in the journal Sociedade e Estado will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).


Digital Assets

  1. Graphs and tables should be accompanied by their respective spreadsheets that originated them, in a separate and editable file, indicating the units in which the values are expressed and the corresponding sources. High-definition images should not be included in the main document but can be attached All graphs and tables must have titles and sources. In the case of self-preparation, it is still necessary to cite the base or source used for the preparation.


  1. Tables and graphs should be numbered (following the sequence in which they are cited in the text) and created in Excel or in They should be sent separately from the text file.



Citations and References


  1. Quotations should appear between quotation marks (“”) within the body of the text when they are less than three lines For quotations of three lines or more, they should be presented as block quotations: in a new paragraph, indented, with a font size of 10. Quotations should be translated into the language of the article's text, following the ABNT standards.
  2. References in the body of the text should be in author-date format, as in the following example: (Felix, 2020, p. 48).
  3. The bibliography will be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order by the author's last name, following the usual ABNT standards (NBR 10520, 2023). Examples:



- In the case of a book:

FERNANDES, F. A sociologia numa era de revolução social. São Paulo, SP: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1963.


- In the case of an article:

MARTINS, C. B. As universidades inglesas no contexto da metamorfose do ensino superior nas sociedades contemporâneas. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 36, n. 106, p. e3610614, 2021. DOI:


- In the case of a chapter in a collection:

QUIJANO, A. Colonialidade do poder e classificação social. Em: SANTOS, B. DE S.; MENESES, M. P. (Eds.). Epistemologias do Sul. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010. p. 73–117.


In the case of theses:

VALENTE, J. Tecnologia, informação e poder: das plataformas digitais online aos monopólios digitais. Tese de Doutorado—Brasília, D.F.: Universidade de Brasília, 2019.




Financing Statement

Authors should inform the sources of support for the work, including the names of sponsors, contract numbers (if any), together with explanations of the role of these sources. This information can be added as a footnote to the submitted article.



Additional Information

  1. Authors who have contributed to the journal must observe an interval of 24 months between the publication date of the article and any new submission.


  1. No additions or modifications by the authors will be allowed after the texts have been submitted to the Journal, except in cases requested by the editorial board after peer review


  1. The works must be written in the standard form of the national or foreign language, and the author may be asked to proofread them by a specialized


  1. Authors who submit articles to the Journal undertake the commitment to provide The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to submit articles to the second stage of evaluation (double-blind peer review) if the authors repeatedly decline to provide reviews when invited by the Journal.


  1. Even if receiving favorable reviews (with or without mandatory corrections), the editorial board may reject the article if it believes that it does not meet the requirements or due to financial


  1. The responsibility for the material published by the journal lies solely with the author, and it does not reflect the opinion of the Editorial Team, Editorial Committee, or Editorial Board of the Journal.

Editorial Policy



Authors are allowed to submit articles that have already been made available on preprint servers, except for papers that will be part of dossiers. To do so, they must fill out the specific form on the journal's website at the time of manuscript submission. These manuscripts should provide the virtual location of the preprint (link, DOI, etc.) and will undergo blind peer review, where only the reviewers are aware of the author's identity. Manuscripts not available on preprint servers will continue to be evaluated in the double- blind peer system, where neither reviewers nor authors know each other's identities. The complete list of preprint servers accepted by the journal can be consulted at



Peer Review Process


  1. Submissions are only made through the Sociedade e Estado’s website at This journal does not require submission or evaluation fees, and there are no fees for accessing published
  2. The articles received go through an initial desk review, carried out by the Editorial Board, in accordance with the journal's editorial standards and scope. In the event of rejection at this stage, a letter explaining the reasons is sent to the author. If so, the Editorial Board forwards the article to ah hoc evaluators with recognized expertise in the subject.
  3. There are four possible outcomes at this second stage: approved for publication without modifications, approved for publication subject to modifications, revise and resubmit and rejected. Resubmission means a new evaluation process based on double-blind reviews. Rejected articles cannot be resubmitted.
  4. Any necessary suggestions or indications for modification of structure and/or content will be communicated to the author, who will be responsible for implementing them within a maximum deadline of one If such modifications are not made satisfactorily, the article will not be approved. The author must submit, along with the revised article, a letter to the editor in which they respond to the recommendations, suggestions, and criticisms of the reviewers, indicating the changes made and justifying those not incorporated.
  5. All texts undergo a detailed review process, including spelling, grammar, and stylistic The revised texts will be subject to approval by the authors before publication. The proofreading process to ensure the comprehensibility and formal quality of the articles published in the journal. The editorial committee reserves the right not to publish articles whose final versions disregard the suggestions of the editor without reasonable justification. It is the author's responsibility to indicate any other necessary corrections in the pre-edition document. Changes cannot be made after the proofreading period once the final file (in PDF) is submitted for publication.
  6. As reviewers are invited to participate in the blind peer review, they must judge the manuscripts solely with the aim of advancing scientific knowledge. In order to promote qualified academic debate, SeE reserves the right to share the evaluations of a given manuscript with other invited reviewers. The reviews may eventually be made public, provided there is interest from the editorial board of the journal and consent from the authors and reviewers. When there is any suspicion of conflicts of interest that may compromise the objectivity and impartiality of the deliberation, it is recommended that those involved communicate this to the editorial
  7. The S&E journal uses three types of peer review:
  8. a) Double-blind peer review: authors and referees do not know each other's identity.
  9. b) Single-blind peer review: in this modality the authors reveal their identity, but the referees remain anonymous.
  10. c) Open peer review: in this modality authors and referees know each other's identity.

The standard form of evaluation adopted by the journal is double-blind. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, which is why the evaluation can be single-blind or open


Open Data

The journal recommends that authors deposit their research data in Open Repositories, preferably in the data repositories of the institutions to which one of the authors is affiliated or other reliable data repositories.

Guia TOP

Guide to citing research data

List of repositories for depositing research data



S&E does not charge submission, article processing (APC) or publication fees.


Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy

S&E's guideline is to certify the originality of submitted manuscripts. Plagiarism in its various forms (direct, indirect, consensual plagiarism) will not be tolerated, as it violates copyright. To curb this practice, submitted manuscripts will be subjected to a plagiarism detection programme. In cases where plagiarism is detected, the editors will take the appropriate ethical and legal measures in line with the guidelines of the Editorial Ethics Committee - COPE and, in all suspected cases, the manuscript evaluation process will be immediately suspended.


The journal assumes responsibility for the final editing of published articles. If typographical errors are detected, in the spelling of the authors' names or in the title of the articles, an errata will be published.


The authors are entirely responsible for the methodological approach adopted and the choice of theoretical framework, as well as the conclusions presented. If the authors identify the need for rectification, they should contact the editors by e-mail, who will decide whether a retraction is appropriate. If the editors confirm the allegations, they may consider asking the authors to correct specific errors or mistakes, or they may consider publishing a retraction, based on the COPE and Council of Science Editors guidelines for correcting articles.



Any questions about the submission or evaluation process of articles can be clarified via email:


Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília

Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900

Brasília - DF - Brasil,

Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537



Política padrão de seção


Tradução de um artigo original escrito em outro idioma e já publicado.

*A autorização para publicação da tradução deve ser encaminhada à revista em arquivo separado do artigo.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.