Publicando Poesia Traduzida: uma investigação sobre as margens do Mercado Mundial de Livros
poesia, Mercado Mundial de Livros, Poesia TraduzidaResumo
Título original
SAPIRO, Gisèle. Publishing Poetry in Translation: An Inquiry into the Margins of the World Book Market. In: BLAKESLEY, Jacob (editor). Sociologies of Poetry Translation. Emerging Perspectives. London (UK): Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, p. 23-43.
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Título original
SAPIRO, Gisèle. Publishing Poetry in Translation: An Inquiry into the Margins of the World Book Market. In: BLAKESLEY, Jacob (editor). Sociologies of Poetry Translation. Emerging Perspectives. London (UK): Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, p. 23-43.
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