Annual management report
what do technical advices of municipal health councils in Pernambuco reveal?
Health Management; , Social Participation; , Health Councils; , Health Planning.Abstract
Health councils, which are devices of social control that belong to organized civil society, act in the formulation, monitoring, and execution of health policy. They hold attributions in the supervision and appreciation of planning instruments, such as the annual management report. In this scenario, the objective of this paper was to analyze the conclusive technical advices of the annual management reports made by the municipal health councils of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Thus, this paper is a descriptive and exploratory research based on document analysis, whose data source was the conclusive technical advices of the annual management report published by the health councils. From the investigation carried out in this research, frailties were found in the assessment by the health councils, as well as challenges in the health management of the municipalities. Therefore, training and continuing education are necessary for counselors and managers to overcome such frailties and challenges.
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