Sistema único de saúde (SUS)
Survey of adult Brazilians in online consultation
Sistema Único de Saúde; , Public health; , Public Opinion; , Adult.Abstract
The study aimed to know and analyze the opinion of adults about the SUS. This was a public opinion survey, in compliance with Resolution 510 of 2016, it consisted of a convenience sample, with 307 respondents, who were contacted through an email address shared in Whatsapp groups, so that they could respond to the electronic form. Most respondents consider the Sistema Único de Saúde to be good and indispensable. Among those not linked to health: 70% are unaware of the attributions of the SUS, almost 78% know the meaning of the words 'Equity', 'Integrality', 'Universality', approximately 60% know the national immunization program and almost 72% believe they are included in the PNI. Thus, despite the lack of knowledge of the attributions of the SUS by the majority, a little more than half are unaware of the attributions of epidemiological surveillance, almost 55% are unaware of the principles of the SUS. Among those linked to health: almost 66% know the attributions of the SUS, almost 97% know the meaning of the words 'Equity', 'Comprehensiveness', 'Universality', almost 89% know the PNI, approximately 93% believe they are included in the NIBP. There were different opinions on the attributions of the SUS between those who are not in the health sector and those who are linked to it, the same can be said in relation to the principles of the SUS, evaluation of the PNI, assistance by SAMU-192, evaluation of the national donation system and organ transplantation. Similar opinions between the groups, but different in percentage were verified in SUS actions and policies in relation to health aimed at the population, belief in being included in the PNI, knowledge about PNI, knowledge of disease or injury to be notified within 24 hours, attributions of health surveillance service, meaning of the words 'Equity', 'Integrality', 'Universality'.
Keywords: Sistema Único de Saúde. Public health. Survey Research. Adult.
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