Public spending on health in the face of COVID-19:

statistical analysis from municipalities of Santa Catarina




Public healt; , Covid-19; , Santa Catarina.


The study aimed to evaluate the possible influence of the local public health structure and the expenditures directed to combating the pandemic in the municipalities of Santa Catarina, with the attenuation of mortality and the advancement of vaccination. We use data from 2019 to 2021, from the 295 municipalities in Santa Catarina, applying the multiple linear regression method, and with the inclusion of important socioeconomic and demographic variables, according to the subject’s literature. The results indicate that the public health structure, used as a proxy for public health expenditure, and the expenditures directed at fighting Covid-19 were able to attenuate mortality. In turn, only the public health structure was decisive for the advancement of vaccines. Regarding the other variables inserted, it is noteworthy that municipalities with greater social vulnerability had higher mortality and places with greater numbers of elderly people had better vaccination rates. These results are in agreement with findings from previous work. Although more research is needed on the subject with robust statistical methods, there is an indication that, in order to face new epidemic waves in the country, it is necessary to have a better basic health structure for challenges that may still arise.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues AF, Raupp F. Public spending on health in the face of COVID-19:: statistical analysis from municipalities of Santa Catarina. Rev. G&S [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 11 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];14(1):51-65. Available from:



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