Perioperative health needs: subsidies for patient-centered care

subsídios para uma assistência centrada no paciente




Perioperative Care. Patient Centered Care. Integrality in Health. Interprofessional Relations.


During perioperative period, it is important that the patient feel confident about care process, actively participating in the actions. Expressing their experiences and expectations provides guidance to the health care team in organizing and planning care focused on their needs. Thus, through a qualitative study, the objective was to analyze the health needs of patients in perioperative period. Twenty-six participants in the postoperative period of elective surgery were interviewed, admitted to a hospital in the interior of São Paulo State. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and organized through the Discourse of the Collective Subject, using the taxonomy of health needs as a theoretical framework for analysis. Health needs in perioperative period are characterized by fragile understanding about care, as there is inefficient communication between subjects, with a predominance of enforcement measures.
Thereby, patient has its needs compromised in relation to autonomy, bonding and access to the light technology. Encouragement for discussion of work dynamics become powerful drivers for more collaborative practices, providing conditions for user-centered attention in pursuit of integrality of care.


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How to Cite

Romeu de Mazzi N, Franco da Rocha Tonhom S, Marli Leonello V. Perioperative health needs: subsidies for patient-centered care: subsídios para uma assistência centrada no paciente. Rev. G&S [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];11(2):146-60. Available from:



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