Temas Livres em SaúdeAbstract
Objective: The objective of this article is to report the participatory practice of building a tool able to systematize the nurse’s visit as supervisory technique. The descriptive report of the teaching-learning process as a way of tool building was chosen as method. The study was carried out by students and teachers of the Undergraduate Program in Nursing of a Federal Institution of Higher Education located in Zona da Mata’ southeast region of Minas Gerais State. As result, it can be affirmed that the building process object of study is described in the successive and interconnected steps ‘field practice ambience and knowledge’, ‘reflection exercise and key issues raising’, ‘search for scientific knowledge’, ‘appropriateness of the constructed tool’, and ‘the nurse's visit tool deployment’. It is concluded that the tool construction and deployment helps students in developing a broader view also of the context in which he/she is inserted as of the factors that demand supervision in the everyday nursing work process.
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