The differential outcomes effect using sensory outcomes in a many-to-one matching-to-sample task



The present study was designed to examine the use of sensory outcomes (visual vs. auditory) using a differential outcomes procedure to facilitate learning in a many-to-one matching-to-sample task. For one group of participants (differential outcomes) each correct stimulus-choice sequence was always followed by a different outcome; whereas for the rest of participants (non-differential outcomes) each correct sequence was followed by the same outcome. Participants trained with differential outcomes showed a faster acquisition and higher overall accuracy than participants trained with non-differential outcomes. The results provide a new extension the differential outcomes effect by using sensory outcomes and many-to-one matching to-sample task; applications of the differential outcomes procedure are discussed. 


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Biografia do Autor

Laura Rebeca Mateos Morfín, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor Investigador

Universidad de Guadalajara 

Instituto de Gestión del Conocimiento 

y del Aprendizaje en Ambientes Virtuales 

Carlos Flores, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor Investigador

Universidad de Guadalajara

Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Comportamiento

J. Bruce Overmier, University of Minnesota

Professor Emeritus of Psychology


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Como Citar

Rebeca Mateos Morfín, L. ., Flores, C., & Bruce Overmier, J. (2019). The differential outcomes effect using sensory outcomes in a many-to-one matching-to-sample task. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 34. Recuperado de



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