Crônicas sobre o Timor-Leste
um resgate da obra de Afonso de Castro
Colonization. History of Education. East Timor. Dominican catechesisAbstract
This paper presents a brief explanation of the history of East Timor in education from the perspective of a literary work (As Possessões Portuguesas na Oceania) of former Portuguese governor Afonso de Castro, who ruled the Timor in the nineteenth century. Castro probably has one of the earliest chronicles of the East Timor published in 1867, regretting the contempt that Portugal gave to Timor colony as compared to therest of the Portuguese empire. By analyzing the work seeks to justifications for the educational backwardness has gone through the East Timor to the point considerations on Catholic religious domain of the Dominicans.
Faculdade de Teologia, Lisboa: 2012. Disponível em: <>.Acesso em 03 de março de 2015.
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