New Methodological Contours regarding Jurimetrics: Theoretical Discussion and Practical Implications to Brazilian Price Regulation


  • Ricardo Medeiros de Castro Brazil's Executive Branch

Palabras clave:

jurimetria, econometria, direito, regulação, métodos quantitativos


Purpose ”“ This paper discusses how quantitative methods can be used to improve the understanding of juridical phenomena. As research hypothesis, this article maintains that this methodology is not frequently used in Brazilian Law, which, in turn, prevents the diagnosis of social injustices, hinders the improvement of institutions, makes it harder to discuss burden of proof and overshadows the debate of price regulation.

Methodology ”“ After a review of the literature on the theoretical debate about the subject, this study takes an econometric approach, using 5 models, to verify if Brazilian Legal Academic Research uses quantitative language. Also, it identifies what would be the impact on society resulted from a quantitative-silence on Legal Studies.

Findings ”“ None of 1,723 thesis of Legal Academic Research made any Econometric regression. There was a low level of quantitative discussion in the analyzed sample. This finding is particularly problematic, especially in Brazil, where quantitative debate is needed to prevent some unfair legal standards, which in turn hinders the improvement of society, even in regulatory aspects.

Practical implications ”“ The article sheds light on the need to foster an interdisciplinary agenda between Law and Econometrics.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ricardo Medeiros de Castro, Brazil's Executive Branch

Specialist on Public Policy and Government Management in Brazil's Executive Branch.


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Cómo citar

CASTRO, Ricardo Medeiros de. New Methodological Contours regarding Jurimetrics: Theoretical Discussion and Practical Implications to Brazilian Price Regulation. Revista de Direito Setorial e Regulatório, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 57–102, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.