A Shot of Responsive Regulation

Cachaça production and the responsive strategy



Regulation. Cachaça. Responsive Regulation. Sanitary security. Labor protection.


[Purpose] The purpose of this paper is to comprehend if responsive regulation tools can contribute to promote sanitary security and labor protection in the cachaça sector.

[Methodology/approach/design] The paper adopts a multidisciplinary approach. It relies on economic, chemistry, business administration and agronomy research to identify some of the regulatory barriers in the sector, especially related to sanitary insecurity and labor protection. Moreover, the paper seeks to approach the issues considering the responsive regulation theory.

[Findings] There are too findings in this work. The first related to the empirical analysis of the sector, which is the regulatory barriers in the sector. The second one is related to the possible solutions presented by responsive regulation theory to the regulatory problems identified in the sector.

[Originality/value] The value of this work consists in the systematization and delimitation of a regulatory problem of the cachaça sector, which can contribute to other research on the issue and to finding a satisfactory regulatory solution. Moreover, the paper intends to offer some initial answer the responsive regulation theory can offer on the issues.


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Author Biography

João Moreira Pessoa de Azambuja, UnB

Pós-Graduado em Ordem Jurídica pela FESMPDFT. Graduado em Direito pelo UniCEUB. Professor da ENFAM, da ENAMAT, da EMERJ e da EJURR. Juiz Federal do TRF1 em auxílio ao Conselho Nacional de Justiça (2020/2022 e 2022/2023). E-mail: joaompazambuja@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

MOREIRA PESSOA DE AZAMBUJA, João. A Shot of Responsive Regulation: Cachaça production and the responsive strategy. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 172–191, 2022. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/rdsr/article/view/43239. Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.