The State standing on regulation focused on scientific and technological development



State regulation. Developmental State. Regulatory State. Scientific and technological innovation.


[Purpose] The present study intends to focus on the science, technology and innovation sector, presenting some difficulties faced and the recent interventionist and developmental state actions, addressing the State's attitude towards the regulation of the various economic sectors, in search of promoting an enabling environment scientific and technological development.

[Methodology/approach/design] This is a qualitative, basic, descriptive, and bibliographic research, seeking essentially to review the literature that addresses the proposed theme. This article will introduce the theme from a brief analysis of the Brazilian background in education, scientific production, and the transformation of scientific knowledge into innovative products and processes. Then, the state norms focused on science, technology and innovation will be analyzed, presenting some more recent examples of direct State intervention, in addition to addressing other regulatory instruments and techniques used to create an environment conducive to national scientific and technological development. The conclusion will seek to synthesize the central ideas developed in the text, concluding by the need to theorize regulation, in order to promote balance and prescribe the most appropriate dosage of regulatory instruments and techniques, within a well-articulated, intelligent and orderly strategy.

[Findings] At the end of the present study, without discarding the interventionist and entrepreneurial role of the developmentalist state, nor disregarding the importance of state incentives for the creation of a competitive environment that stimulates scientific and technological innovation, it will be sustained that the theory of regulation should promote balance and prescribe the most appropriate dosage of regulatory instruments and techniques within a well-articulated, intelligent and orderly strategy, which knows the mechanism of operation of the main sectors that contribute to scientific and technological development.


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Author Biography

Tulio Picanço Taketomi, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Graduado em Direito pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Direito Público (2013), em Direito Administrativo (2018), em Direito Militar (2019) e em Direito Processual Civil (2020). Advogado da União.


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How to Cite

PICANÇO TAKETOMI, Tulio. The State standing on regulation focused on scientific and technological development. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 72–85, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.