Comum, Demoníaco, Reclusão, Silêncio, Linguagem, Abraaão, Religioso, ÉticaAbstract
The present article attempts to summarize some of the
aspects in the notion and phenomenon of the "demonic". There is no
intention of thoroughness in the analysis of the problem but of
establishing its place in the framework of philosophical and literary
traditions. The demonic will be observed from the category of
exception, beginning by the examination, from the outset, of its
possibility, then its properties within the ethical, that is, the
difference between good and evil. Special emphasis will be given to
the analysis of the meaning of "common" (det Almene, in the
language of Kierkegaard), that is, the common human denominator.
We will attempt to determine its meaning and avoid the usual
misunderstandings. We will also examine the correspondence to the
so-called life collision phenomena, expulsion from life and their
several possible forms. In the end we will briefly expose what E.A.
Poe calls the "imp of the perverse".
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