
  • JORGE MARTÍNEZ BARRERA Universidad Católica San Pablo



Political Augustinianism, State, Church, Ethics, Religion


In this paper I propose to examine the relationships between ethics, politics and religion based on the problems posed by the consolidation of Christianity. In the ancient city, although the presence and importance of the gods is undeniable, it could not be said that the moral norms recognized in them their last source of legitimation. In Christianity, on the other hand, we are before a religion with an ethical commitment before God, which necessarily affects the community aspects of life. If this is so, it is necessary to examine the conflicts caused by the interference of Christianity in the political sphere, especially what after Arquillière has been called “political Augustinianism”. Finally, I will address the serious ethical-political conflicts raised by the institutional nature of Christianity, especially from modernity, when the State appears.


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How to Cite

MARTÍNEZ BARRERA, J. (2021). PERMANENCE OF POLITICAL AUGUSTINIANISM. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 7(1), 26–49.



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