The aim of this work is to discuss the contribution of religion to scientific and philosophical rationality. From the Middle Ages, Greek philosophy was augmented with biblical thoughts. I argue that the formation of science and philosophy was built mainly through the appropriation of elements from Jewish and Christian beliefs and adaptation to their wealth of knowledge. The itinerary followed is: 1) it is only possible to say that science has non-scientific sources showing that naturalism has non-naturalist assumptions; 2) if science needed religion then the war between science and religion is a myth; 3) the third block discusses the problematic consequences of rationality that abandoned faith, or the lack of immanent reason; 4) How does religion inspire philosophy?; 5) the case of freedom. In summary, I will make a historical-philosophical approach of scientific and philosophical conquests that emerged from religious rationality, I ended the work taking free will as a problem situation.
Keywords: Science; Religion; Philosophy; Rationality.
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