
  • Germán Vargas Guillén Universidad Pedagógica Nacional



Phantasy; saturation; sense of field; God; nullification


Phantasy and saturation are, proportionally, forms of human experience that start from the factum and are oriented to the fictum. Experience undertakes with the given and is configured by displaying an excess of the merely given; on these data, new senses are established that go beyond the subordination of this primal, pristine experience, and a dation is established, which is increasingly dependent on subjective action. Phantasy, therefore, is nullification of the data; this nullification unfolds the step to intuition; it manages to return to the data, in the field of perception and is confirmed (full, implements, complies), or, it can preserve the openness to possible worlds, without appealing to the data. In this last orientation, saturated phenomena arise: God, love, art and utopia as belonging to a field of meaning. In this study the following steps are taken: Introduction: it turns on the thesis, namely: God is a surplus, saturated phenomenon of fantasy; ghost as long as it occurs in a field of meaning. This article takes three steps: 1. God in the phenomenology of Husserl and in the New Realism. 2. The phantasm. 3. Phantasy as nullification. And, Conclusions.


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How to Cite

Vargas Guillén, G. (2020). PHENOMENON, LIVING OF GOD AND FIELD OF SENSE. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 6(1), 120–139.



Deus e a Religião