On the On The Ways of Relating to rhe Other: Some Remarks on the Issue About the Existence of Eastern and Non-European Philosophies
Eastern philosophies, non-European philosophies, comparative philosophy, intercultural philosophy, Other.Abstract
Abstract: In this paper, we aim to briefly approach the issue on the existence of Eastern and non-European philosophies through the philosophical problem of the Other. As a matter of fact, in the discussion on the possibility of speaking of Eastern and non-European philosophies, fundamental philosophical presuppositions are often introduced regarding the possibilities and limits of understanding and approaching other cultures, presuppositions which depend, to a large extend, on the conceptions that one has of what the Other is and of what means are available to relate to him. It seems thus that the discussion on the existence of Eastern and non-European philosophies brings us to the discussion of a central philosophical question: how should we understand the Other? Through the discussion of this and other philosophical questions, we believe is possible to offer a philosophical and argumentative basis to defend the possibility of speaking of Eastern and non-European philosophies, without being led either to the extreme of the mystification of the Other or to the absolute identification and transposition of our categories to him.
Key-words: Eastern philosophies, non-european philosophies, comparative philosophy, intercultural philosophy, Other.
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