Governmentality, exception, oikonomia, eschatology, katechon.Abstract
This article intends to highlight the bible and eschatological figure of katechon within the work of the Italian contemporary philosopher Giorgio Agamben. The idea of this text would visit the "theological genealogy of economy and government " undertaken by the philosopher from, especially, his book The Kingdom and the Glory [2007], but with the theoretical contribution of other written, fundamental to this theme, as The time that remains [2000] and The mystery of evil [2013]. This is, then, to carry out a genealogy within the perspective of what is called governmentality, what means, in the case of Agamben, also having in view the concept of exception as the fundament and political technique of government of men. But, in the meantime, it is essential better understand the theological and eschatological themes of the oikonomia and katechon ”“ this last, best worked in this article ”“, investigated by Agamben in such works, as they are constitute key-notions to this reflection of the author.
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