Existentialism, Being, Serenity, Herculano Pires, Interexistence.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to discuss the theme of Being and Serenity from the existentialist reflection present in the work The Being and Serenity of the Brazilian philosopher José Herculano Pires. To meet this end, we will rescue themes essential to existentialist currents such as: nothingness in Sartre, anguish in Heidegger, and despair in Kierkegaard. Then we will discuss the essence of serenity, the concept of interexistence, the three principles of the trilogy of the serenist, and the spiral of ipseity, applying their concepts according to the piresnian thought in order to illustrate them in christian myths and ancient Greece, as well as novels of universal literature, as well as other examples of which we serve and which will all be pierced by the touchstone of The Being and Serenity.
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