Divine Command Theory and Metaethics


  • ALCINO EDUARDO BONELLA Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)




Metaethics. Moral Objectivity. Divine Command Theory. Subjectivism.


I will outline an application of metaethics to the debate about Euthyphro's dilemma and divine command theory (DCT). Metaethics elucidates how we should understand what are objective moral judgments and moral truths. I argue that the normative content of morality does not depend on God’s approval/command. This is so because moral objectivity does not depend on any approval and command, what I try to show by the nature and the logic of evaluative/normative concepts (good, bad, right, wrong, ought to etc.). Other aspects related to DCT and morality are briefly debated.


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How to Cite

BONELLA, A. E. (2018). Divine Command Theory and Metaethics. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2(1), 162–172. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842015e17383