The asystematic end of the system. Introduction to, and problems raised by, the function of God in the philosophy of A. N. Whitehead


  • ÁNGEL E. GARRIDO-MATURANO Universidad Católica de Santa Fé



Whitehead. God. Creativity. Process. Universe. Faith.


The article analyzes the notion of God in A. N. Whitehead’s
metaphysics. It attempts fist, in a propaedeutic
manner, to introduce the reader to the evolution of the
function of God in the system of the author. Second, from
a problematic-critical point of view, it argues that the
concept of God, although legitimately postulated, is not
intrinsically necessary to the speculative system itself.
Finally, from a hermeneutic point of view, Whitehead’s
postulation of a metaphysical God is explained as the result
not of an objective systematic necessity, but rather
of a subjective act of faith in the teleological sense of the


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How to Cite

GARRIDO-MATURANO, ÁNGEL E. (2018). The asystematic end of the system. Introduction to, and problems raised by, the function of God in the philosophy of A. N. Whitehead. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2(1), 94–116.