Phenomenology of the facticity of christian religious life reading from New Testament: word, self, temporality


  • MARCOS FERNANDES AURÉLIO Universidade de Brasília - UnB



Phenomenology. Facticity. Christianity. World. Self. Temporality.


This article proposes a re ection, since the thought of Heidegger, on the phenomenology of Christian religious life as facticial experience. First, the speech focuses on the phenomenology of the facticity of life. Second, it ex- poses three discoveries achieved from a phenomenolo- gical reading of the New Testament, especially of Paul. The rst is that the world, in these texts, is understood in reference to the facticial human life, not in the cosmic sense. The second is that, in the Christian facticial life, the experience of the worldliness sharpens toward the own-world, the world of the self.The third is that, in the Christian religious life, happens a transformation of the understanding of the time, from ordinary time, cosmolo- gical time, into the existential time, lived in the dynamics of the existence and its decisions.


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How to Cite

AURÉLIO, M. F. (2018). Phenomenology of the facticity of christian religious life reading from New Testament: word, self, temporality. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2(1), 14–34.