Violent images in the media and its impact on children


  • Georges Kutukdjian Ethics Committee of the World Academy of Biomedical Technologies


Palabras clave:

Ethics. Media. Violence. Children. Behavior. Education.


The article studies the impact of media-shown violence on children and youth. It examines the relation between exposure to massive absorption of violent images and aggressive behavior. It also concludes it would be hard to fins unequivocal relationship between violent behavior and exposure to violence in the media for various different reasons. Consideration must be given to characteristics of young viewers and the specific vulnerabilities attached to age groups, discussing in detail the problem of pornography. The article, nevertheless, supports the banning of racist, xenophobic, sexist and paedophiliac programs in broadcasting and the Internet as well as the inclusion of media education in school curricula to favor the development of critical attitude towards the material children and youth are being exposed to.


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Biografía del autor/a

Georges Kutukdjian, Ethics Committee of the World Academy of Biomedical Technologies

(WABT), Paris, Fran;a.


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Cómo citar

Kutukdjian, G. (2006). Violent images in the media and its impact on children. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 2(1), 7–20.



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