Primary statements and proposals for the future legal european harmonization about human stem cells research


  • Carlos Romeo Casabona Universidad de Deusto



Biotechnology. Human embryo stem cells. Human embryo research. Common legal statement. European Union.


The present study attempts to contribute for the need of construction of the minimal common legal statement or process that would warrantee the necessary scientific cooperation and the access to communitarian resources without prejudice motivated by a public legislation somewhat restrictive in what refers to the scientific investigation and research with human embryos for the study of stem cells. Setting the lacks on the international legal statements that regulates the protection for embryos in vitro, this question is analyzed under the European Union context, deeply detailing what is set out in the Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine (CHRB), what will construct, in the end, the legal statute for the in vitro embryo as the starting point for the European states confluence in what concerns this subject. From this point on, proposals for the harmonization of the European embryo stem cell research public legislations will emerge, including the ones brought by the present study.


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Author Biography

Carlos Romeo Casabona, Universidad de Deusto

Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, España.


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How to Cite

Romeo Casabona, C. (2006). Primary statements and proposals for the future legal european harmonization about human stem cells research. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 2(1), 39–62.



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