Senses of vulnerability: characteristic, condition, principle
Vulnerability. Bioethics. Human research. Clinical practice. Health policies. Biomedical investigation.Abstract
Vulnerability is a commonly used term from the current language, particularly in the last decade it has been more frequently used in bioethics discourse. This process resulted in the enunciation of the “respect for human vulnerability” as an ethical principle in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, from UNESCO, approved in October 2005. In this context there is increasing effort to strictly define the meaning that vulnerability can and must assume, in bioethics field ”“ what we are here trying to contribute to. To reach our objectives, we will start from the etimological concept of the term, as a way to go back to its conceptual origin, we will also take the greatest texts about contemporaneous ethics, in which “vulnerability” is referred in a technical sense and precise way, and we will explore the differ- ent modalities of its evocation in the bioethics field specifying its practical capacity.
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