Proposal for dialogue between bioethics and revolutionary thought in Latin America.


  • Teresa Sosa Sánchez Hospital Universitario General Calixto García



Dialogue. Bioethics. Revolutionary thought. Intervention Bioethics. Ethical thought. Latin America.


The arrival of bioethics encountered a situation in which ethical revolutionary thought had advanced to Latin America. However, even though bioethics in this region abandoned its exclusive concern for strictly biomedical subjects within a relatively short time, such that it opened up to social problems and to commitment towards social change, no dialogue between bioethics and ethical revolutionary thought is seen. This absence of dialogue seems to represent complete separation of ethical thought from its sources, as if they had nothing in common, thus denying the possibility that there could be effective mutual cross-fertilization starting from interchanges of the fundamental ideas that they contribute. To achieve such aims, efforts have to be made (and this paper was produced within this respect) towards understand the interconnection between ethical revolutionary-like amendment of the articles of incorporation par excellence and bioethics with a commitment towards amendment of the articles of incorporation. This is generally represented in overall bioethics as ethical new thought, and specifically in intervention bioethics as contextualized proposals with commitment to such change.



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Author Biography

Teresa Sosa Sánchez, Hospital Universitario General Calixto García

La Habana, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Sosa Sánchez, T. (2010). Proposal for dialogue between bioethics and revolutionary thought in Latin America. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 6(1-4), 9–28.



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