Ni diálogo ni debate
la voz de la audiencia en los comentarios digitales sobre la pobreza
digital media. poverty. audience participation. reader comments.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present the partial results of a research in progress that addresses how the Argentinian news media approaches the issue of poverty. In this particular case, we analyze reader comments of news related to the relevant political and social issue of poverty. Our aim is to determine the ways in which the dialogue among the news piece, its readers and the medium in question is articulated, and how, even without being legitimized by the medium, it still forms part of the publication and is, therefore, public (Noblía, 2015). The theoretical framework is Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough 1995, 2003, 2006) and the methodology is qualitative. As for the linguistic analysis, this research adopts the synchronic-diachronic method to the linguistic textual analysis (Pardo 2011, 2014). The corpus consists of forty news pieces, compiled between July 2014 and June 2015 from La Nació
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